Group of 5 institutions with an annual turnover of over 50 million euros.
The INESC System is a set of six non-profit private associations with public utility (one holding company and five subsidiaries) which, in a synergetic and complementary way, develop, in a pioneering model, scientific research, development and innovation activities, covering the value chain, from knowledge creation to innovation.
Through different instruments, including supporting the creation of start-ups, the INESC System values and transfers the knowledge and technology developed in their areas of competence.
INESC TEC, INESC ID, INOV, INESC MN and INESC Coimbra have international representation through INESC Brussels Hub.
INESC is present all over the world!
In addition to the various collaboration agreements and joint research and innovation projects with Japan, India, China, and South Korea, among others:
– In the United States: responsible for managing several collaborative academic and research programs with UT Austin and MIT;
– In Latin America: through its twin laboratory “INESC P&D Brasil”, bringing together more than 20 Brazilian universities;
– In Brussels: through INESC Brussels HUB, a representative office with modern meeting facilities.

+700 projects, +130 coordinations in Horizon 2020
In Horizon 2020 alone, INESC institutes have already participated in more than 700 projects and coordinated 130 small, medium and large collaborative research and innovation projects, from strategic Coordination and Support to large-scale research and innovation actions.